Exploiting Relational and Non-Relational Java Databases [Presented Remotely]

Step 1: Learn about Java Databases, Relational and Non-Relational

Step 2:

  • a.) Exploit Diverse Relational Databases

  • b.) Exploit Diverse Non-Relational Databases

Step 3: PWN!


Xu Yuanzhen (pyn3rd)

Xu Yuanzhen (pyn3rd) is a senior security engineer. He focuses on Java security and cloud security. He presented the results of his research to international security conferences such as Xcon2019, HITB 2020, HITB 2021. Also, he has reported vulnerabilities to Oracle, Apache, Amazon, Uber. etc.


Chen Hongkun (Litch1)

Chen Hongkun (Litch1) is a security engineer in Eagle Cloud. He is responsible for enhancing the terminal security protection capability of SASE and related attack & defense technology research.HITB and XCON speaker.has reported a number of critical vulnerabilities to Oracle, Sonatype, Apache. etc.


Matryoshka Trap: Recursive MMIO Flaws Lead to VM Escape, [Presented Remotely]


Kubernetes Attack and Defense: Break Out and Escalate!